When I was just three years old my mom used to pull a chair up to the counter and put me in charge of preparing string beans.
I would stand on the chair & snap the ends off for her with the biggest smile on my face. It was a simple task, but the beginning of something bigger.
I was raised with three generations of women in the kitchen, cooking & learning with my family. I realize this is a gift, something special not everyone has been able to experience. I feel called to teach others how to reconnect with their loved ones through the simple act of sharing a meal together.
Although I’ve always loved my time in the kitchen…
I grew up having a toxic relationship with my body and food, never believing that one day I would overcome these struggles.
Through my love of cooking and learning to nourish my highest self, I built a healthy relationship with my body, and designed a life around sharing my journey with others like you and helping to guide you to a place of self-love.
I am here to create, support, love and thrive—and it is my goal to encourage you to do the same.