Immunity - Strengthen your Body & Mind
“Don’t worry about perfection in all areas at once, and don’t worry about failure, focus on bettering yourself today and what you can do for yourself right now.”
Discipline is the highest form of self love. I have heard this so many times in my life, and I have circled through so many revolving doors—teetering around the notion of what this actually means.
From punishing myself to ‘make better choices’, creating ultimatums, to feeling grief around things I wished I could do, be, eat and feel. I have come to understand that maybe the term ‘discipline’ is triggering for me, and ultimately I just need to find a space in which I can take care of myself unconditionally—without any of those negative, heavy connotations.
Through trial and error we experiment and digest what works and doesn’t and everything we gain along the way helps us connect to deeper parts of ourselves—ultimately helping us understand what we truly need as individuals. Not as parents, friends, lovers, sisters, brothers or kids—but as people.
For years I have been adamantly working on implementing loving habits in my life and the act of this isn’t just some project that is one day finished and completed. We can’t just file it like a piece of paper that we pull out when we forget. It is an interconnected network of choices and heartbreak and bridges we have burned and rebuilt for ourselves. And the beauty of it is that each and every day we have the ability to wake up, and try again.
Regardless of the stages of our lives, or our ages, we truly have all the tools we need to start bettering ourselves. Sometimes it just takes giving yourself a moment to answer a simple question for YOU. So before we continue, I ask you, “what does being healthy mean to you?”
I share all of this because a friend asked me recently, “what do you do to boost your immune system” and although this seems like a black and white question, I spiraled and went blank. I did not know how to answer, and I had no idea what I could share. I have thought deeply about what it means to be healthy, for me, and honestly along with all the supplements you can take and the endorphins you can release, it comes down to your mental health and your intentions too. It is all connected. Our minds, our bodies. It isn’t just what we consume in our diets, its what we consume with our minds. The company we keep, even our sexual partners. All of it is an exchange in energy and ultimately can strengthen you or weaken you—and I know that right out of the gate that may be a lot to take in so we’ll come back to it.
I took time to sit with my friends question, “what do you do to boost your immune system” and I discovered the reason I was having a hard time just throwing up a post was influenced by the roots of my daily practices and routine.
I was raised and live by so many things that have made me strong mentally and physically, that many people don’t have experience with, and that is okay! Because we have access to so much incredible information and people, like myself, who are willing to share it. I am here to help you, and maybe my words do nothing for you—but that’s cool because you can take it with a grain of salt and find someone else who you DO resonate with.
A lot of what I took for granted for so long, things I just do without thinking about, I consider, “common knowledge” and it is actually the result of the way I was raised, the values my parents instilled in me, the research I have done on my own, the questions I have asked and the education I have obtained. I am telling you, if I have a question, I google it. Even if it is something like, “how do I screen record,” or “why does my poop look this way.”
So here is what I do and live by to boost my immune system. Not only does this keep my immune system strong but it keeps me grounded mentally and gives me the ability to conquer my day to day whether we are in a global pandemic or going through a regular week.
I am not only going to share important information from a doctor I know and trust, but I am also going to tell you exactly what I do day to day. Before we get into my practices I wanted to shed some light on important information in regards to our current climate and the importance of keeping your immune system strong. I would like to make some clarifications about the nature of this infection and its impact on our body so, ultimately, you can take all of this information and not only apply it as a general rule of thumb—but you can also utilize it right now.
“Viruses are not living entities so, in a practical sense, to "kill the virus" is not a realistic option. Different antivirals that seem to mitigate the impact of viruses on the body do not seem to work well under the current circumstances. Any medications that are recommended so far, including hydroxychloroquine and Zithromax have no clear proven benefit so far, and from the practitioners that did use them there is only just anecdotal evidence of help. These medications also can have significant negative side effects! In order for the viruses to get hold of the body they need to enter our cells, multiply there, and ultimately disseminate in the body. They do have specificity for certain tissues and in that sense they attack certain organs preferentially. The difference between Sars and COVID-19 (both are coronaviruses) is that the SARS virus attacked preferentially the lower respiratory tract, COVID-19 likes to attack both the upper and lower respiratory tract. Coronavirus 19 invades the cells of the upper respiratory tract, multiplies there and eventually disseminates into the lower lung. (The incubation time between infection and first symptoms in the case of COVID-19 is between 2 and 14 days, in the case of influenza virus is between 1 and 2 days - that is why this virus can be very infectious and the person might still have no symptoms during this incubation time!) In order to defeat the virus our immune system tries to put up a great fight. The fight against viruses involves an aspect of our immune system called cellular immunity( TH1). This is also the same aspect of our immunity that helps to defeat cancer. If you smoke, practice a bad lifestyle, eat a diet that is not nutritious and full of processed foods, do not work out and take medications that weakens you immunologically, this creates a truly dangerous mix.” Doctor Parvulescu of ARBORHEALTH
Practicing the "5 Ps" is a great place to start Prior, Preparation, Prevents, Poor, Performance. No matter what you do the health of your immune system is what is going to defend your body—no matter what.
The following information is sourced directly from Doctor Parvulescu of ARBORHEALTH
1. Vitamin C is one of essential nutrients for humans, which must be supplied externally as human beings cannot produce vitamin C. It is essential for the strengthening of our connective tissue, essential for the functioning of the immune system. Cellular immune response (TH1) is highly dependable on appropriate levels of vitamin C. Vitamin C increases the level of functioning macrophages, these are the cells that clean the body of viruses, bacteria and other debris (In conjunction with vitamin D) Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid), minimal of 2 grams daily. (During a state of infection the demand can go easily up to 30 or 50 g daily -in critical cases the intravenous form of vitamin C can be life-saving).
2. Vitamin D ( Sunshine Vitamin), the dose varies from individual to individual Vitamin D promotes optimal activity of both the innate and acquired immune system. Vitamin D is a hormone, regulates and optimizes many metabolic functions in the body ( generally it is very deficient in the population, low levels of vitamin D has been associated with high risk of influenza and complications)
3. Essential minerals in the category of Zinc, Magnesium, Selenium and trace minerals. Vitamin A and vitamin E are also essential, as well as high quality essential fatty acids (most of the commercial varieties are rancid).
4. Melatonin (Between 1 and 4 mg, more can be used) We actually naturally produce this in our sleep, which is why it is so important to get a good night sleep. Melatonin is an immune-stimulant, is anti-inflammatory, and is a “buffer” for inflammatory reactions. In addition, it is also a natural antioxidant.
5. Turmeric, which contains bioactive compounds with powerful medicinal properties, it is a natural anti-inflammatory compound and dramatically increases the antioxidant capacity of the body Turmeric boosts brain-derived neurotrophic factor, linked to improved brain function and a lower risk of brain diseases, and can also help prevent cancer.
6. Sleeping before 10 PM, sleeping in a pitch dark environment, sleeping between 7 and 8 hours. Exercise, generally in the form of aerobic exercise/power walking, 1 hour at least 4 days a week, Sunshine exposure at least 1 hour each day if possible! Organic, wholesome, mostly plant-based diet (Clear and bland diet) (avoidance of any processed carbohydrates, avoidance of sugar, avoidance of greasy food = rancid oils from bottles, high level of saturated fats)
7. Prayer, meditation or some kind of mindfulness. I have been sharing Yin Yoga videos on my YouTube channel if you are looking to go inward. Personally, meditation does not serve me. I have done it extensively and it does serve a purpose, but what truly helps me go within and ease my mind is Yin Yoga. You can read more about it in my previous blog post, “The Air in My Lungs. The Beat of My Heart,” or practice using any of the videos I have shared on YouTube.
Something super important to note that is unavoidable at this moment in time is feelings or fear or grief. The fear factor is high and that is a negative factor that impairs drastically the ability of the body to defend itself. Thoughts and emotions significantly influence the biochemical processes in our body! Our immune system is also strengthened or weakened, depending on whether we are calm and confident or fearful.
The above modalities would be helpful, perhaps, to restore a sense of peace and harmony with oneself and the natural world. At a time when we cannot go out, why not go within or ‘work in’.
For me, in my day to day it all starts with a good night sleep. I do personally notice that I am in a much better place mentally when I get a solid nights sleep—and I take pride in this. It is also important to note what you are taking in before you sleep. What are you ‘ingesting’ through the TV your phone, articles you are reading and conversations you are having? We can be influenced by how we spent the moments right before sleep, and right upon waking up. I talk about my mornings in more detail in my blog post, “Collateral Beauty - Finding Your Bliss” and how the best way to deal with challenging times and gain momentum is by starting with a positive environment.
Since becoming more conscious of those small windows my mornings have become spellbound and I look forward to the moments before I sleep. Its almost as if they are just for me, and Derek, and we usually lay in bed and laugh and make little games and jokes that would literally make sense to no one but us—but it relaxes me, eases my mind and helps me fall to sleep. We also sometimes watch Bob Ross paint—that helps me pass out and it is very relaxing.
Something else you can add in that is so beneficial to your body is, every morning/evening having hot water with a wedge of lemon. My grandma has done this every single morning her entire life—she’s 93.
This simple “tea” helps balance the PH in the body, helps with digestion and really wakes up the system. I love it because digestion is everything to me right now and I am working really hard to take better care of my gut health. I can do another blog post, entirely on this concept.
In order to keep my levels of stress down, and manage how I am showing up in a particular day, I keep my body moving and I give myself space. It could be something as simple as going for a walk outside, or sitting and having a cup of tea with yourself. When you're stressed out your body produces stress hormones which take a toll on your immune system. So one of the most important ways to boost immunity is to reduce stress. And if you're already feeling really burned out you can take adrenal support supplements like Ashwaganda or even CBD oil. I like taking baths with lavender epsom salt, taking myself through a Yin Yoga practice or drinking rose tea.
You can also eat immunity supporting foods and this is something that I don’t always think about because I live a plant based, vegan lifestyle, but when we consume high inflammation foods or foods that suppress our immune system, it takes a toll on our body in more ways then you realize. You can consume immune boosting foods like citrus fruits, garlic, broccoli, and spinach—these are things I eat daily. If your immune system is already weak, it can also be helpful to supplement with key vitamins and minerals like the ones I mentioned above…especially if you have become depleted like Vitamin C, Vitamin B, Vitamin D, and Zinc.
Photo Anna Fritzsson @greenpowerbyanna
Eat fruits & vegetables every day because produce contains key vitamins and there are so many benefits to consuming nutritionally dense foods. Vitamin C for example can be found in foods like strawberries, bell peppers, broccoli, and citrus. Eating the actual fruit or veggie is better than the vitamin since it’s likely that all the components in the food interact to offer protection.
Photo by @moonjuice Check out their website for Adaptogenic Beauty & Wellbeing
It is important to also include fermented foods in this because these are foods that are naturally preserved by bacteria, and they’re beneficial to our gut. Some examples of fermented foods are kimchi, sauerkraut, yogurt (look for the term “live and active cultures” on the label), and miso. These foods help beneficial bacteria flourish in the gut, leaving less room for harmful bugs. I love adding all of these things throughout my day and often times I throw kimchi or sauerkraut in salads, on sandwiches or in buddha bowls. You can add yogurt to your smoothies or make a parfait. I have recipes in my cookbooks in ebooks that can support you if you wanted to make a smoothie bowl or smoothie and toss in some yogurt!
The final thing that I do in my day to day, which is super beneficial to the immune system, is exercise! I know it has come up a few times already in here, this is something I was raised with. My parents are not the kind of people who sit around, especially my dad. My dad worked full time his whole life, 5am-1pm and still did carpentry and contract work on the side. He built 75% of my house and was always on the move, literally building things. He is retired now and people always ask me what he does all day…the man does not stop and he inspires me so much. He is also very fit, and worked out lifting weights and strength training as well as walking and riding his bike. My mom is like an energizer bunny who doesn’t stop! We love to relax, and taking time to pause and do nothing IS important too—but keeping your body moving is extremely helpful for keeping up your mood, and I think many people take this for granted.
You don’t need to be a member at a gym, go to cross-fit or running 10 miles—and if you do, cool. But you can simply walk outside. If you follow me on instagram, you know I workout to eat…haha… but I also do it for my mind—and on the days that I am not doing cardio or HIIT, I find my Yin Yoga practice which helps release toxins and boost your immune system.
I feel like I should cap this here. I know I gave whoever is reading this a lot of information—and if not or if you have questions, let me know in the comments below. But before you go, I ask you, “what does being healthy mean to you?” Maybe you answer this for yourself, maybe you share it in the comments below. Thank you so much if you made it this far. I appreciate you.
I put a lot of time into my content—in an effort to really share from my heart and ensure that I make everything I create the best that it can be. If you found this content useful and care to support me further, you can donate to me through here!